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Prevent Frozen Pipes from Damaging Your Home with Remote Temperature Monitoring

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During winter months, it’s important to make sure your home or vacation home is protected against falling temperatures. Temperatures can drop rapidly if the power fails or the heater stops working, causing the pipes to freeze and burst. 

Remote temperature monitoring can help you maintain an optimal temperature to prevent frozen pipes from bursting, resulting in thousands of dollars in damage.

Beyond Security Systems: Protecting Property with a Home Temperature Monitor

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Security systems help protect your home and family from intruders and notify you when they detect smoke or CO. They can provide peace of mind and alert you to some potential dangers. But these systems won’t notify you of other potential home disasters, such as temperatures rising or falling to dangerous levels.

Remote temperature monitoring is critical to preventing damage when temperatures get too high or too low. Power outages and equipment malfunctions can cause heaters or air conditioners to fail without warning at your vacation home, cabin, cottage or unattended property. Without a home temperature monitor, you..

The Best Remote Home Monitoring Products are still “Made in the USA”

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Sensaphone manufactured its first home monitoring system right in Pennsylvania over 30 years ago. Back then it was common for an electronics company to manufacture its products in the United States, but now we’re one of the remaining few that still do. U.S. Department of Commerce statistics show that the trade deficit in electronics products was more than any other manufacturing industry.

Auto Dialer Monitoring Devices Let You Listen in Real-Time

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If you own property, an auto dialer monitoring device is an easy, cost-effective way to keep an eye on conditions like temperature and humidity when you aren’t on the premises. But it can also help you keep an “ear” on the area in real-time with a built-in microphone.
