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The Importance of Remote Monitoring for Pharmaceutical Research & Development

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Proper storage of pharmaceuticals from research and development through dispensing is crucial to ensure that the products remain safe and effective. Temperature and humidity can have drastic effects on drugs and their ingredients. If stored at the wrong temperatures for even a short period of time, they can become ineffective, lose potency or even become harmful to patients.

Preventing the Top Causes of Data Center Downtime

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Data center outages can last anywhere from seconds to hours. But regardless of the length of time a system is down, unexpected downtime can cost you revenue, customers and brand loyalty. This is why it’s critical to ensure continuous monitoring against common culprits for data center downtime. Even if you have a DCIM, it is ideal to have a redundant system that can provide immediate notification of alarms from your UPS, PDU, and other critical equipment. 

Here are some of the top causes of data center downtime and strategies for how you can prevent them from happening in your data center.

Wired vs. Wireless Monitoring System: Which is Right for Your Application?

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Remote monitoring is critical to your operations. Without a reliable monitoring solution, you have no way of knowing when issues occur after hours unless you have personnel at the facility 24/7. Even then, you run the risk of overlooking equipment issues or status changes that cannot be detected without the appropriate sensors and monitoring system installed.

Monitor Micro-Controlled Data Center Equipment in Real Time

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Improving efficiency is a top priority for data center managers. In today’s data-driven world, server rooms and data centers play a critical role in keeping businesses up and running. According to Gartner, the average cost of data center downtime is $5,600 per minute. That’s why data centers need to have systems in place to ensure continuous monitoring of equipment status and environmental conditions.

Using a Cold Storage Temperature Monitoring System to Ensure Food Safety

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Storing temperature-sensitive products presents many challenges for food supply companies. Food that isn't stored properly can spoil quickly and become unsafe to eat. In fact, the Food and Architecture Organization of the United Nations reports that one-third of all the food produced in the world for human consumption is either lost or wasted - 1.3 billion tons!

Prevent Frozen Pipes from Damaging Your Home with Remote Temperature Monitoring

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During winter months, it’s important to make sure your home or vacation home is protected against falling temperatures. Temperatures can drop rapidly if the power fails or the heater stops working, causing the pipes to freeze and burst. 

Remote temperature monitoring can help you maintain an optimal temperature to prevent frozen pipes from bursting, resulting in thousands of dollars in damage.

Stratus EMS Monitoring System Unveiled at AHR Expo

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Sensaphone recently exhibited at the International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition (or AHR Expo) in Atlanta. It's the world’s largest HVACR event, bringing together industry professionals from around the world to share ideas, showcase new technology and discuss trends. This year’s expo was a huge success with more than 45,000 people attending.

Using an HVAC Data Logger to Prevent Expensive Downtime

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If you’re responsible for the performance of your facility's HVAC equipment and the environment it regulates, you know that you can’t keep watch over it 24/7. That’s why monitoring HVAC performance with data loggers helps facility managers maintain operational efficiency and prevent costly downtime.
