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Commercial Water Leak Detection System Avoids Costly Building Damage

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Commercial buildings can experience water damage from leaks originating from a roof, plumbing, HVAC water heater, or sprinkler system malfunction.  If not detected early, water damage can result in expensive building and equipment repairs, extensive cleanups, musty smells, poor indoor air quality, and downtime. 

Which Ambient Temp Sensor Is Best for Your Work Environment?

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Ambient temperature sensors are crucial for remotely keeping tabs on the temperature conditions inside and outside of workplaces. This is a key part of effective facilities management. It's important to monitor and control these temperatures to maintain a safe and consistent work environment.

Wireless Temperature Sensors for Medical Refrigerator Temperature Monitoring

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If you're in charge of inventory kept in commercial refrigerators and freezers, it's crucial to have medical refrigerator temperature monitoring, instant alarm alerts, and secure record-keeping. According to the World Health Organization, about 50% of vaccines may be wasted globally every year because of temperature control, logistics, and shipment-related issues. 

Important Facts About Greenhouse Sensors

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Greenhouse sensors are important components of greenhouse monitoring systems. To grow plants and other vegetation over extended periods of time, greenhouses need to maintain specific conditions. This requires keeping a close eye on both the environment and the equipment to make sure everything is within the desired parameters.  

Tips for Using Wireless Sensors and Temperature Monitoring Systems

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Five Reasons to Buy Sensaphone Made-in-the-USA Remote Monitoring Systems

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Test Your Sensaphone® Remote Monitoring System for Optimal Results

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Accurately tracking the status of your assets is important for operations. That’s why you’ve implemented a Sensaphone® remote monitoring system. It gives you precise, real-time status and alerts on conditions such as temperature changes, equipment status, power failures, and other critical parameters. Getting timely notifications to designated personnel can mean the difference between quickly resolving a problem or extended downtime.

Prevent Frozen Pipes with an Affordable Sensaphone Remote Monitoring Device

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Despite the unusually warm weather we’ve had so far this fall, the first real cold snap of the season is looming. With winter's cold temperatures comes something every homeowner should be concerned about: frozen pipes. This is a particularly important issue for vacation homes that are left vacant for large chunks of time without a home temperature monitor
