
Keep Your Animals Safe With a Livestock Monitoring System

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Protecting your livestock is your top priority. That's why you need a way to detect threatening issues like HVAC failures early. Swine, poultry, cattle and other animals require the best possible living environment to stay healthy and maximize your yield. If a circulation fan or ventilation system fails after regular business hours, the consequences could be dire for your livestock and your business.

How to Install Temperature Sensors for the WSG30 Wireless Monitoring System

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The Sensaphone WSG30 is a flexible wireless monitoring solution. It's useful for applications where it's not viable or cost-effective to hard-wire the sensors, such as medical freezers/refrigerators, data centers and manufacturing plants. The system’s base unit can communicate with as many as 30 wireless sensors. And the sensors can be placed up to 300 feet away from the base unit. However, a successful installation requires some planning to make sure everything works smoothly.

Sensaphone Phasing Out CELL682 Environmental Monitoring System

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The Sensaphone CELL682 has been a powerful alarm, control and environmental monitoring system since its inception in November 2010. But like all good things, its time has come to an end – the CELL682 will only be available until the end of 2017.

HVAC Remote Monitoring Systems Improve Facility Management

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Facility managers have a lot on their plate. They're responsible for keeping the property's equipment and environmental systems functioning at all times to ensure the comfort of workers, residents and guests. Even when they aren't on the clock or on site, they have to maintain zero downtime for HVAC systems. So they also need to know what kind of proactive maintenance to perform to prevent equipment malfunction or failure. Here's how HVAC remote monitoring systems make their lives a lot easier.

What 4G Means for Your Cellular Remote Monitoring System

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If you live on your mobile device like so many of us do, you're no doubt aware that cellular carriers are moving from 3G to 4G networks to accommodate the demand for fast, reliable data service. But what does that mean for other devices that rely on cellular networks—like your remote monitoring system? It's time to consider upgrading soon to a Sentinel Cellular with 4G LTE modem because other Sensaphone cellular remote monitoring systems, like CELL682, do not run on the 4G network.

Auto Dialer Home Monitoring Devices Let You Listen in Real-Time

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If you own a home or other property, an auto dialer monitoring device is an easy, cost-effective way to keep an eye on conditions like temperature and humidity when you aren’t on the premises. But it can also help you keep an “ear” on the area in real-time with a built-in microphone.

Vibration Sensors Alert You When Critical Machine Parts are Failing

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Critical machine parts like separators, cooling towers, blowers, generators, pumps, bearings and motors usually give hints they are damaged and about to fail. When a fan becomes unbalanced or bearings start failing, they start vibrating more. Although this change wouldn't be noticeable to the human eye or ear, it's easily detected by a vibration sensor.

Should You Purchase a Landline for Your Sensaphone Device?

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For customers who choose a traditional autodialer Sensaphone device that relies on a phone line to communicate and send alarms, an analog phone line—also known as “plain old telephone service” or a landline—may not be ideal. At first, the purchase of an analog phone line for your Sensaphone remote monitoring system seems to make sense. These lines are the standard support for phone, fax machines, and modems, as they have been for years. However, a landline can add a significant expense in addition to the upfront cost of purchasing your Sensaphone system.