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Remote Monitoring Enables Phone Tracking of Unattended Lift Stations

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Systems for collecting wastewater and stormwater are complex. They include pipes, pumps, and controls to prevent wastewater from entering freshwater ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams.

Monitoring Data Center Humidity to Prevent Costly Damage and Downtime

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In addition to cyber threats, data center personnel have to be aware of physical dangers that can damage equipment and shut down operations. An important environmental hazard to watch out for is humidity.

What is a Sensaphone?

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That’s a question we’re asked frequently at trade shows and industry events. We typically try to tailor our answer according to each customer’s specific situation, but this blog provides a general explanation.

How Remote Monitoring Systems Benefit Environmental and Consumer Health

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Remote monitoring technology can bring to mind watching for unauthorized access, securing data centers and safeguarding vacation homes, but there are dozens of potential applications. These include keeping tabs on animals in zoos. Livestock. Plants in greenhouses. HVAC equipment. Docked boats. Grapevines in a vineyard. Vaccines. Food products. Pharmaceuticals. Oil wells. Most organizations can benefit from implementing remote monitoring systems, and consumers and the environment will be the ultimate winners.

Monitoring Pulse Counts and Run Times with Sensaphone Devices

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Sensaphone remote monitoring systems can be connected to a variety of sensors and accessories to keep tabs on basic environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity and water detection, security and power failures. All of these sensors require one of four output types to work with Sensaphone devices: 2.8k, 10k, dry contact (digital), or 4-20mA (analog). In addition to monitoring those sensor outputs, some Sensaphone devices can monitor pulse counts and runtimes — useful capabilities for water/wastewater and HVAC applications

Avoid Costly Facility Damage with a Water Detection System

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Leaking water can quickly ruin your business facility and its contents, and the cost to repair all of that damage rises rapidly if you don’t address the problem immediately. You have to act fast to find the source, stop the flow and address the water-logged mess before it grows and gets worse. 

4 Important Spring Maintenance Tasks for Greenhouses

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Warmer weather is here at last! Spring is an exciting time of renewal and growth. But it is also the busiest time of year for commercial greenhouse growers

Video Series Helps Install Sentinel Monitoring Systems and Sensors

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The Sensaphone Sentinel has found a home in many varying applications...from monitoring valuable greenhouse inventory to monitoring the temperature in refrigerators storing critical vaccines during a pandemic. The Sentinel also monitors many pump and lift stations that keep the water running in your community and to the livestock in farms and barns. Most often our products are installed by trained installers or electricians, but they are actually simple enough to be installed by most do-it-yourselfers.
